Relationships - Part I

What is really interesting about the show is the fact that the lead character, Michael, a successful architect (I think), tries to rob a bank in broad daylight - to get himself thrown in prison. His reason for doing this is later revealed - his brother, Lincoln, is serving time in the same prison on charges of murder, which he supposedly did not commit, and is about to be executed in a month's time. So Michael hatches up this flawless scheme to break his brother out of prison for which he first has to enter the prison walls.
There are many movies/serials/books about guys going out of their way for their girlfriends/wives/etc (and vice-versa) but this was probably the first show I've seen which focused on such strong sibling-bonding. I mean the guy gets himself thrown in prison to save his brother. Wow!! I sure found that something. Don't know how many people would do something so drastic and throw their lives away for saving their siblings. Many a times you hear these cases of people completely breaking relationship bonds based on a person's wrong-doings. I mean I had read up somewhere that a family disowned a kid 'coz he was taking up drugs or something like that. And I'm sure that happens quite a few times.
In "Prison Break" all that Lincoln needed, to convince his brother that he didn't commit the murder, was to just tell him that. Thats some trust, and thats what I completely loved about the show. I keep remembering my brother while watching it and wondering whether I would ever go to such an extent for him.
This entry was posted on Saturday, November 26, 2005 at 3:44 AM.

Did not see the movie. I prob. won't. Too emotional for me because i hate the american prison system. The powers that be are building more & more prisons all the time in this country. It is horrible the things they lock people up for. I know prisons are ness. but they are horrible places, demoralizing people for making mistakes.
Anuff of that!
I like this look :} does it mean anything? It looks about to cry. trembling lips and all that.
Saturday, November 26, 2005 12:14:00 PM Posted by
If the kind of things they show about the prison system are true, then it is a sad and scary place indeed.
As for the emoticons, you are always free to create you own ones. And although I've never seen this one :} before, I agree with you completely. :)
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