The Ultimate Goal!
I'm back to blogging after a gap of one day (if you could call that a gap).
Anyway, lately I've been too involved in acads which made me a realize a few things about my life. See the thing is, all little boys and girls wanted to be either doctors or astronauts; except me. I always wanted to be a comic-book artist. As weird as it may seem, that was my aim in life - to draw my own comics.
As I grew up, I made the same mistakes which most unfortunate people make - I went with the flow. Everybody wants to take up Science stream in class; I did that. Everybody has to give the IIT exam coming out of school; I did that too. IITians have to study hard and get good grades, I'm (almost) doing that. Now its time for placements - I'll go for the same job that everybody is hoping to get. I'll probably also do an MBA to make more money than I would be making at some future point of my life.
But you see here lies the twist in the tale. Imagine if, your entire life, you keep doing what "other" people do and throw those little things in your life away. You slog 15 hours a day and earn big bucks. One day you die and hope for an after-life, where all you do is just lie around and do those little things which you really wanted to do in your life, but just didn't have the time to do so. Perfect line of thinking right? But, what if God says "You fool, there is no afterlife. What more are you expecting from me you idiot? I gave you a good 100 years to enjoy your life didn't I? Who told you to do whatever you did just because other people are doing that? I gave you that life to enjoy yourself - to do things which you wanted to do!"
Well, that would be what I would call - "getting screwed"!!
Coming back to my story, the reason I mentioned all this was because even though I might be doing what other people are doing, I'm only doing it with the intention of earning enough money. I say enough because it should be just about adequate to last me the rest of my life after I leave my job. Because then I could pursue that (almost forgotten) ultimate aim of my life -
To draw my own comic-books. :)
Anyway, lately I've been too involved in acads which made me a realize a few things about my life. See the thing is, all little boys and girls wanted to be either doctors or astronauts; except me. I always wanted to be a comic-book artist. As weird as it may seem, that was my aim in life - to draw my own comics.
As I grew up, I made the same mistakes which most unfortunate people make - I went with the flow. Everybody wants to take up Science stream in class; I did that. Everybody has to give the IIT exam coming out of school; I did that too. IITians have to study hard and get good grades, I'm (almost) doing that. Now its time for placements - I'll go for the same job that everybody is hoping to get. I'll probably also do an MBA to make more money than I would be making at some future point of my life.
But you see here lies the twist in the tale. Imagine if, your entire life, you keep doing what "other" people do and throw those little things in your life away. You slog 15 hours a day and earn big bucks. One day you die and hope for an after-life, where all you do is just lie around and do those little things which you really wanted to do in your life, but just didn't have the time to do so. Perfect line of thinking right? But, what if God says "You fool, there is no afterlife. What more are you expecting from me you idiot? I gave you a good 100 years to enjoy your life didn't I? Who told you to do whatever you did just because other people are doing that? I gave you that life to enjoy yourself - to do things which you wanted to do!"
Well, that would be what I would call - "getting screwed"!!
Coming back to my story, the reason I mentioned all this was because even though I might be doing what other people are doing, I'm only doing it with the intention of earning enough money. I say enough because it should be just about adequate to last me the rest of my life after I leave my job. Because then I could pursue that (almost forgotten) ultimate aim of my life -
To draw my own comic-books. :)
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 12:50 AM.

u have been working far too hard :)
start pursuing some of your dreams from now itself, u cant wait endlessly to hoarde enuff money and then retire on a little island.. it may never work out that way.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:31:00 AM Posted by
money is of course essensual(sp).
You must decide how much is important to you.
Money in perspective is security.
Not happiness, not fulfillment.
Excelling in academics or a field is happiness to some people, but not everyone.
In your last pharagraph is the idea that you work the first part of your life to enjoy the second part. I think this is sound reasoning many people have done it. Practical thinking.
At fifty you will want some security.
But, people who have thrown themselves into their passion above all else, are probabally the most fulfilled people.
Read some bio. of passionate people.
How much of a burning desire do you have?
How much are you willing to chance?
I assume you are very young, young anuff to fail a few times & bounce back.
Well, maybe not in your circumstances. (Iam thinking as an American, It's all I know) I say all this not because I've followed my own advice, but I have the wisdom of hindsight, which is no avalible to the young.
You young people have the advantage of idealism & passion.
I did not mean to go on but, could not stop.
Us older people love to give advice to the young.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:52:00 AM Posted by
Ok, iwill also be old and mature and tell you, you can never earn enough money to be happy ofr the rest of your life, because, then at the back of your mind will always be the knowledge that you could earn a lot more.
but then, i am unnecessarily cynical.look where it is landing me.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:01:00 AM Posted by
Draw comics for me please! And add fluffy as a character too!!
On a serious note, always find time to do what you want through your life. It almost never works out to retire to a life of your choice :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:48:00 PM Posted by
wow...profound thinking invites profound comments. :)
@salim : it will work out that way for me...just see....and mebbe if u'r lucky, i'll invite u to my little private island.
@l>t : that was the most wonderful feedback i've ever gotten in my entire life. it might interest you to know that i totally idolize apple founder steve jobs, but i don't think i have the guts to experiment on such a large scale. i guess it all comes down to the guts after all. :)
@medusa : i think about 5 billion rupees should keep me well fed. thats my goal. after that no more earning. and i'm sure that u'll make millions off ur book.
@tweta(actually shweta): theres a list i put up outside my room...sign ur name on it and we're all set to go. :P
p.s.: it might interest ppl reading my blog to know that shweta was the previous "keeper" of fluffy. >:)
p.p.s.: all of u are invited to my future private island.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:50:00 PM Posted by
%>} thanks
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