An Ode To Pacman

Pacman is my favourite game.
For the uninitiated, Pacman started out as an arcade games in the 1980s and went on to become one of the most famous games of all time. It features a yellow spherical creature with a big mouth - called Pacman (you could see that coming, couldn't you?) - constantly running from these monsters who keep him from his ultimate happiness in life - eating dots placed of the floor (talk about unhygienic!) The actual fun part comes when he turns the tables and gobbles the monsters instead, on chomping down his special "power" dot.
Pacman is my idol, for obvious reasons. Not only does he (yes, I assume that 'he' is a 'he') tactfully evade plaguing danger when he has to, he is also only too happy to devour his nemesis when required. And he is in constant pursuit of the love of his life - eating.
For the uninitiated, Pacman started out as an arcade games in the 1980s and went on to become one of the most famous games of all time. It features a yellow spherical creature with a big mouth - called Pacman (you could see that coming, couldn't you?) - constantly running from these monsters who keep him from his ultimate happiness in life - eating dots placed of the floor (talk about unhygienic!) The actual fun part comes when he turns the tables and gobbles the monsters instead, on chomping down his special "power" dot.
Pacman is my idol, for obvious reasons. Not only does he (yes, I assume that 'he' is a 'he') tactfully evade plaguing danger when he has to, he is also only too happy to devour his nemesis when required. And he is in constant pursuit of the love of his life - eating.
I hail thee, Pacman!
On a lighter note, check out this line a friend of mine mailed me a couple of days ago - When asked about wearing a Pac-Man T-shirt throughout a Slayer-tour, bassist/singer Tom Araya was quoted saying that he wore the shirt because he considers Pac-Man the most violent game ever, since there's no other game where you have to eat your enemies.
This entry was posted on Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 4:23 AM.

Being the old person that i am, I remember playing Pacman. All the bars & Pizza Parlors Had it. But then Video games were limited to Pacman & pinball type games. One of the attractions of Pacman, besides being novel & a great game, were the noises. The trilling pings and whistles. Computer noises, tecnology sounds. Pacman ushered in the new era.
Do you know of Pong?
Sunday, November 20, 2005 8:44:00 AM Posted by
yes i know pong. i treasure all things old and gold.
try ur hand at pacman at
i'm sure u'll relive those old memories.
Sunday, November 20, 2005 9:52:00 AM Posted by
For the uninitiated..
Are you kidding me? If somebody doesn't know what Pacman is he/she should be executed at once.
Sunday, November 20, 2005 12:43:00 PM Posted by
actually! pacman is god.
Sunday, November 20, 2005 1:26:00 PM Posted by check this site..
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