The Kedia Chronicles
This is Piyush Kedia.
Kedia lives in the wing below mine and is one of my favourite torture-targets when I get bugged up with life. (You might find it interesting to note, that at the time of this posting, I'm in the middle of my exams!)

Today I decided to psyche him out, just for fun, ofcourse. So, I calmly went to his room downstairs, took a photograph of him (the same one above) and, showing the same calmness, came back; all without saying a single word.
After 5 minutes, Kedia comes to my room all confused, asking for explanation for what I just did. At that time, I acted surprised and completely denied anything like that ever happening - "But Kedia, I've been in my room for almost an hour now!".
Its about 7 hours, now, since that happened. Kedia has made innumerous visits to my room searching for answers but finding none. It think he may be finally going crazy.
Plan successful I believe!! >:-)
After 5 minutes, Kedia comes to my room all confused, asking for explanation for what I just did. At that time, I acted surprised and completely denied anything like that ever happening - "But Kedia, I've been in my room for almost an hour now!".
Its about 7 hours, now, since that happened. Kedia has made innumerous visits to my room searching for answers but finding none. It think he may be finally going crazy.
Plan successful I believe!! >:-)
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 1:50 PM.

He does think you posted his pic on the h10 newsgroup :P
Thursday, November 17, 2005 12:04:00 AM Posted by
What is this? do you not hang out with non cute people?
Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:09:00 AM Posted by
whats your problem? huh? whats your problem?... shut up!
- Cortez a.k.a Kiran
Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:17:00 AM Posted by
@pritam: see see, i told u he was goin crazy! :D
btw, H10 is the IIT girls' hostel. :)
@medusa: who are these "non cute" ppl u are taking about? are they mythical beings? :P
@Cortez: hee heee heeeee
p.s.: the contents of cortez's comment repsent kedia's vocabulary in entrity. (sorry for such a mean comment kedia...u know we luv u! >:) )
Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:20:00 AM Posted by
=)) this is dude pic of kedia.. I have no exam for next five days..lets gift kedia with few more surprises in his room..-onkar
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