Fluffy updates - part 4
A shocking incident occurred tonight. I was in my room when I heard a strange noise outside, at about 1 at night. Peeping out of my room, all scared, this is the sight that I witnessed.

It seems that a (not-so) silent intruder had crept into Onkar's room and kidnapped Fluffy - right from under our noses. As can be seen, Fluffy was petrified. Attempts to free him were met with hostile (and oh-so hurtful) ninja-chops. The assailant, then, escaped with Fluffy still captive.
As of now, all attempts are being made to track down the poor creature. Any information, regarding the same, would be heavily rewarded. Stay tuned for updates.
This entry was posted on Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 12:22 PM.

lets hope the intruder treats fluffy better than ur lot did, always leaving him behind and making him read tuff books and all...
btw, whtever happned to the PD?
Monday, November 21, 2005 3:22:00 AM Posted by
its on its way...relax lady :P
Monday, November 21, 2005 10:30:00 AM Posted by
Hey that's you in the photo!!! You kidnapped your own crocodile??? :OOO
Monday, November 21, 2005 11:52:00 AM Posted by
thats not me man...its a mysterious ninja man! do u know whr our fluffy is?
Monday, November 21, 2005 2:13:00 PM Posted by
He would make a lovely handbag or a nice pair of shoes. Grasshopper, at the risk of sounding ignorant, what? IMHO ?
. . O
Monday, November 21, 2005 2:24:00 PM Posted by
btw,IMHO stands for in my humble opinion
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