Strange but True
I have an exam today afternoon. Strange how my approach to exams has changed over the years!
In school, for my board exams I used to slog for days to no end. Then I came to IIT!
In school, for my board exams I used to slog for days to no end. Then I came to IIT!
The first year had me all jittery for stupid 5% quizzes. Slowly and gradually, I grew up. For my (yet to happen) today's end-semester examination, I had been given 5 days preparatory leave. Thats quite a lot considering IIT exam standards. First 3 days I did nothing! Tuesday, when I wanted to start studying, a simple "I'm bored" on chat resulted in spending 4 hours at a nearby mall trying to see if a new bookstore had opened. That suffices to say that I didn't do a single minute of studying that day.
Finally opened my books on Wednesday afternoon, after leisurely getting up at noon. Haven't slept entire night; haven't been studying the entire time either. Its about 6 am right now and fortunately my course will get over in about an hour, giving me a couple of hours of sleep before I rush to the exam hall. But the thing is, I have no regret, no guilt for wasting my earlier 4 days and slogging at last moment after a night-out. It has its own thrill; its own charm. And, in fact, I just love it.
Finally opened my books on Wednesday afternoon, after leisurely getting up at noon. Haven't slept entire night; haven't been studying the entire time either. Its about 6 am right now and fortunately my course will get over in about an hour, giving me a couple of hours of sleep before I rush to the exam hall. But the thing is, I have no regret, no guilt for wasting my earlier 4 days and slogging at last moment after a night-out. It has its own thrill; its own charm. And, in fact, I just love it.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 4:39 PM.

so, how did da exam go?
Thursday, November 24, 2005 9:57:00 AM Posted by
that matters very little...what really matters is that only 2 more to go...then i'm free....FREE I TELL U....YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!
Thursday, November 24, 2005 8:24:00 PM Posted by
u call ES an exam!!! :O
sidey :P
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