Man On The Moon

There would be people who would disagree with me on this, and I know that for a fact since I was watching it with 2 friends whose reactions were "This movie is so pakau (mind-numbing/boring)"; but at the end of it, I gave it a standing ovation and walked out appreciating the eccentric mind.
The movie projects an image of Andy Kaufman, brilliantly played by Jim Carrey, being this bizarre person whose only thoughts revolved around self-humour. And by self-humour I mean incidents which other people may or may not find humourous, but which provoke one's own funny bone. Andy started out doing bad imitations on stage with a queer foreign accent but later revealing it to be fake, leaving the audience entertained. Thoughout his career he played practical jokes on people for the purpose of self-humour, without caring whether the audience found it funny or not. His demise came at the age of 35 when he was diagnosed with lung cancer, but as a result of "crying wolf", people, to this-very-day, wonder whether he actually died, or staged his own death, a thought carefully captured in the last frames on the movie.
I'd earlier seen a similar biopic on "Ed Wood" the "crazy" director from the 1950s-60s whose taste in movies didn't go down too well with the audience; as was the case with Andy's "comedy". I had liked that movie as well. In my opinion, both Ed Wood and Andy Kaufman were completely eccentric and many a times, the people did not agree with their ideas giving them either an obscure or a negative public image. But what is missed altogether is the fact that they followed their dreams - which is what really matters in the end!
I'd earlier seen a similar biopic on "Ed Wood" the "crazy" director from the 1950s-60s whose taste in movies didn't go down too well with the audience; as was the case with Andy's "comedy". I had liked that movie as well. In my opinion, both Ed Wood and Andy Kaufman were completely eccentric and many a times, the people did not agree with their ideas giving them either an obscure or a negative public image. But what is missed altogether is the fact that they followed their dreams - which is what really matters in the end!
This entry was posted on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 2:31 PM.

Andy Kaufman was brilliant but also crazy (my opinion). As you watched the drama unfold, it seem to switch back & forth from real to acting(?) I don't know if acting is even the right way to put it. Jim Carrey did a great job of portraying him. He even captured the crazy glint in Andy's eyes. It was entertaning & disturbing all at once. They both deserve to be called brilliant.
One thing I would say about Andy Kaufman is his Art was himself & it consumed him.
He is one of those people whose genius will not be reconized by everyone.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 7:08:00 AM Posted by
P.S. Ed Wood & Andy both had self-destructive personalitys? would you agree?
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:03:00 AM Posted by
hmmm...that depends on how u wud define "destructive"...if u are talking about how they destroyed their public image themselves, then yes.
if u are implying that the work they did led to demoralising of their spirit, then i cudn't disagree more wid u. the fact that both did not yield to the public demand and continued to create their own "masterpieces" is proof enuf.
but if by self-destructive personalities, you are referring to how their insane mind wrecked their personal lives, then i would think that, that is the case with all eccentric people.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:59:00 PM Posted by
I mostly mean #3 as if they could not stop it anyway.
I believe that sort of focus & detication(sp) would have very high peaks of satisfaction & very deep despair.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:07:00 AM Posted by
true true.
u win some u lose some.
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