The good-story whore
I am that what the title says, a good-story whore. I don't know how many of us are but I do know one thing - I sure am! :)
Lets see how this came about - here are some of my current interests - watching movies, watching TV shows, reading novels and comics, playing video games, licking wikipedia end-to-end, etcetera. It all comes down to one thing for me - a good story.
To tell you the truth, most of the times I don't even like playing video games (its just mindless button mashing after all); I only do so to see how the story progresses. Sometimes when I am extremely captivated by a game's story, I just stop playing, read the whole thing on the internet and throw the game away.
There - thats my secret - I am good-story whore. Tell me a good story and I will be all over you like flies on a half-eaten-banana.
Labels: introspective
This entry was posted on Monday, February 04, 2008 at 1:09 PM.

hey... n by d look of it... u're a pretty good story teller urself... jst checked out sm ov ur older blogs... n blimey, it made me wish i ws in iit bombay ;P
NEways, i landed on ur blog by d virtue of bein d most vella {u'd noe dat bein a delhiite ;)} ne1 can get... n i think m gonna follow it religiously!! if u continue posting, that is... cheers!
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