I Found Serenity Only To Lose It Again
Its been a long time since I last blogged. A lot of reasons can be blamed for that. I used to blog during the good ol' IIT days since I had a lot of free time (believe it or not :P) and a very active mind. The active mind is still there but the free time is almost lost.
These days I get up at 3 in the afternoon. Barely have some home-made delicious mummy-cooked lunch when a rooster in some part of the world starts cock-a-doodling indicating that his majesty GhB has now awaken. A flurry of calls follow; from some friend or the other who are all getting bored in the Delhi summer. Then in a flash I'm off. Mindless 7 hours later, I return home; have dinner and spend some time with my mom while she watches her favourite soap-operas (a little mind numbing). Then I stay awake till about 4 in the morning doing something or the other and then finally force myself to sleep fearing my mom's reaction if she notice me still not in-a-frame-of-mind to sleep while she is experiencing morning.
Anyway, I have no idea why I wrote the crap above. The real post follows.
Last couple of days I was at Agra. Surprised?? I was too. One fine afternoon I get up and my mom's like - "We have to go to Agra!" You would notice that, that was not a question. Hence my only reaction was "Ok!". 5 hours-spent-in-a-stupid-bus-with-no-leg-space later I was at Agra where my dad was fulfilling my whims and fancies. Yes, thats right - a new car. That too a Honda City. A photo of the same is shown below. Don't be afraid to drool. I wasn't!! :)
An amazing incident happened when I got there. I could never have imagined who I would run into, in front of my dad's office. Yes, you old-blog-readers-who-think-you-figured-it-out-yourselves-but-had-help-from-the-blog-title, it was my old car - Serenity. Me and Sera had a wonderful 3 year history but our relationship ended when she had to depart all of a sudden. Running into her like this felt like old-lovers bumping into each other after a long time. It was like when they both stop and notice each other but go on with their lives after a brief moment without uttering a word. While leaving the office, I did go upto her and spoke at length sbout the times spent together. And for a moment I could swear I saw the front grill a little wider as if smiling.
Anyway, early morning my dad calls me to his office and makes me sign some 60 papers. Only when I fully woke up some 3 hours later did I realize that I had just taken my first car loan. Thats how the bankers do it. They come to your house in the wee hours of the morning and make you sign all sorts of papers they know you would never read. No wonder - my dad's a banker himself.
So off we went to the showroom where I had already chosen a dark-greyish colour. Turns out the same colour was selected by some bride-to-be for her groom-to-be as a gift for their wedding (a more subtle way of saying dowry). And their marriage was on the same evening. So after a lot of consideration and sympathy showers we chose a more sporty white one. (We later discovered that the grey car was finally not taken by the other party since they could not take something that was rejected by someone else! Sheesh!!!)
So happily we came back to Delhi with the designated driver almost hurling my car into every other vehicle he could spot in a 50-metre radius (And believe me, the only reason the car survived was because the driver could not spot too well!! Thank God for that!!!)
Now a question that would naturally arise in your mind would be - "What was the whole point of this post?" "No point at all. I just felt like writing." By the way, thanks for reading. :)
P.S.: For some time now, I will be morphing into my new alter-ego "Honda City Man" whose only currently known super-power is saving the world by driving his Honda-City-Man-mobile...safely!
These days I get up at 3 in the afternoon. Barely have some home-made delicious mummy-cooked lunch when a rooster in some part of the world starts cock-a-doodling indicating that his majesty GhB has now awaken. A flurry of calls follow; from some friend or the other who are all getting bored in the Delhi summer. Then in a flash I'm off. Mindless 7 hours later, I return home; have dinner and spend some time with my mom while she watches her favourite soap-operas (a little mind numbing). Then I stay awake till about 4 in the morning doing something or the other and then finally force myself to sleep fearing my mom's reaction if she notice me still not in-a-frame-of-mind to sleep while she is experiencing morning.
Anyway, I have no idea why I wrote the crap above. The real post follows.
Last couple of days I was at Agra. Surprised?? I was too. One fine afternoon I get up and my mom's like - "We have to go to Agra!" You would notice that, that was not a question. Hence my only reaction was "Ok!". 5 hours-spent-in-a-stupid-bus-with-no-leg-space later I was at Agra where my dad was fulfilling my whims and fancies. Yes, thats right - a new car. That too a Honda City. A photo of the same is shown below. Don't be afraid to drool. I wasn't!! :)

Anyway, early morning my dad calls me to his office and makes me sign some 60 papers. Only when I fully woke up some 3 hours later did I realize that I had just taken my first car loan. Thats how the bankers do it. They come to your house in the wee hours of the morning and make you sign all sorts of papers they know you would never read. No wonder - my dad's a banker himself.
So off we went to the showroom where I had already chosen a dark-greyish colour. Turns out the same colour was selected by some bride-to-be for her groom-to-be as a gift for their wedding (a more subtle way of saying dowry). And their marriage was on the same evening. So after a lot of consideration and sympathy showers we chose a more sporty white one. (We later discovered that the grey car was finally not taken by the other party since they could not take something that was rejected by someone else! Sheesh!!!)
So happily we came back to Delhi with the designated driver almost hurling my car into every other vehicle he could spot in a 50-metre radius (And believe me, the only reason the car survived was because the driver could not spot too well!! Thank God for that!!!)
Now a question that would naturally arise in your mind would be - "What was the whole point of this post?" "No point at all. I just felt like writing." By the way, thanks for reading. :)
P.S.: For some time now, I will be morphing into my new alter-ego "Honda City Man" whose only currently known super-power is saving the world by driving his Honda-City-Man-mobile...safely!
This entry was posted on Monday, June 12, 2006 at 12:29 PM.

vow!!!! ur new car?
Monday, June 12, 2006 7:07:00 PM Posted by
hhhmmmmm so got a new love after the old one ended?! koollll and tht too in the city of love, agra.and iit became the good old days so soon,btw wat name r u keeping to this?
Monday, June 12, 2006 10:50:00 PM Posted by
oye!!! i thot we both superheros were meant to roam arnd delhi sweating in oou non-ac, battered cars! TRAITOR!!!
well...do i get a ride in it? :)
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:02:00 AM Posted by
Happy man with his Happy New car...
"dark-greyish colour"...that gives it a classy touch...
tell us what you named her...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:04:00 AM Posted by
'So after a lot of consideration and sympathy showers we chose a more sporty white one"...
eh? white not bad
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:09:00 AM Posted by
The grasshopperBOY turned into a hondacityMAN.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:21:00 AM Posted by
Congratulations again, I miss you blogging here around Buddy! hmm i wish i had also that! anyway take care driving. and i hope you could post more often!
Ciao grasshopper boy!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 5:39:00 AM Posted by
theek hai. chamak gaya .. no more issues. i ll come and bump ur car *evil grin*
Thursday, June 15, 2006 12:45:00 AM Posted by
a) u had FREE TIME at IIT? ummm... are u one of those five point someones? *grin*
b) u have a fucking CITY!!!! *green with envy*
now zip down to bbay. lol.
and do blog.
Saturday, June 17, 2006 5:52:00 PM Posted by
nitin!! will you get your car to mumbai ?
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