The Argument And The Ego
What is an argument really? I feel that it is nothing more than a difference of opinion. When 2 (or more) people cannot come to a consensus, thats an argument right there.
Arguments can be pretty dangerous. Arguments can wreck lives. Arguments can devour entire nations. All because arguments have the ability to turn love into hate.
Arguments can be sorted out if one of the two members involved is ready to change his mind; ready to change his opinion. But aaha!! That is where the ego comes in. The ego (or is it the superego I'm not too sure) makes sure that the argument lives on, grows into its full destructive nature, causes as much damage as possible. But what is interesting is - that instead of one member conceding defeat, it is now both parties who lose.
The Mind is a wonderful creation indeed!!!
Arguments can be pretty dangerous. Arguments can wreck lives. Arguments can devour entire nations. All because arguments have the ability to turn love into hate.
Arguments can be sorted out if one of the two members involved is ready to change his mind; ready to change his opinion. But aaha!! That is where the ego comes in. The ego (or is it the superego I'm not too sure) makes sure that the argument lives on, grows into its full destructive nature, causes as much damage as possible. But what is interesting is - that instead of one member conceding defeat, it is now both parties who lose.
The Mind is a wonderful creation indeed!!!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 12:51 PM.

Your mind has to do with everything, I heard about Arguments in my math subject,does it the same, anyway. i wont argue with you on this case. I will say im a humble person. Welcome back.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:59:00 PM Posted by
I was blog-hopping. Had been to your blog before though because i read a post written by Mizfit about your meeting in a Barista next to IIT Delhi...But didn't make any comments..
Shall take time to read your posts and wouldn't miss to tell you what I think about your posts.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 5:31:00 PM Posted by
nice one there.
Very true both are losers in the end.
but as Neil.DC says...i agree
If an argument has one humble person, we find a solution to the argument(problem). Humbleness is a virtue and rare to find.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:53:00 PM Posted by
now tht we've met, im commenting as a blogger.But can't arguments be sorted out if both stick to their own stand and yet respect other's?not necessarily loose.if everyone think's alike we'd have stopped in the BC's.
-- to the unknown this is PK.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:00:00 PM Posted by
i'm not sure about my mind though :P
Thursday, June 01, 2006 12:33:00 AM Posted by
i hate arguements! it leaves a bitter after-taste no matter who wins.
my funda is quite clear though, when in agruement, hit first and hit hard!!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006 1:51:00 PM Posted by
agreement bhi to ho sakta hai na? nahi argue karne ka?
Thursday, June 01, 2006 3:02:00 PM Posted by
Better to have arguments than a big cold silence. A dialogue may lead to an argument which eventually may end in a fight. But it is better to let what you think to the other person and better to know what the other person thinks. I believe in the 'dialogue'...You start a dialogue and the other person doesn't agree with you...arguments start!!!
Did you know that if a couple doesn't have any 'arguements' in their relationship, it is not a healthy couple?
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 9:45:00 AM Posted by
@neil: a humble man sounds like a wonderful plan :)
@prash: thanks for dropping by, send me an apple pie :)
@passerby: humbleness indeed is a rare breed :)
@priyatham: glue blue, true true (my best rhyme yet) :P
@pritam: neither am i, but even though u seem kinda shy, i'm sure one day u'll really fly :)
@mizfit: to get rid of bitter taste, use pepsodent paste :)
@medusa: i will not lie, u are correct bhai :P
@prash: 2 2 comment, 2 2 reply (a rhyme doesn't neccessarily have to rhyme does it?? :P)
p.s.: i am bored, should i buy honda or ford?? :P
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 9:26:00 PM Posted by
Dear GHB,
How about agreeing to disagree? That way, you acknowledge that no two people think the same way, but it is also possible to live in harmony nevertheless.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 7:49:00 AM Posted by
i'm SURE i commented on this earlier, so what gives?
*hands on hips, looking crossly at blogger*
Friday, June 09, 2006 12:18:00 PM Posted by
The bright side:
**Arguments are the source of new inventions. had Einstein not argued Newton's theory of gravitation, Relativity would not have been there.
**arguments bring out the true person. they make u realise no one's perfect, yet has perfection in smthing or the other.
( Give it a thought).
Friday, June 09, 2006 4:47:00 PM Posted by
WIfe and husband arguing!
hehe....we all know who is always right!
Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:15:00 AM Posted by
My lovely child,
what's wrong with you? why have you become philosophical? you look troubled.. come to Bombay. we shall take care of all doubts and predicaments..
-pee cee
pee ass: time to change you about me.
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