The piece of crap that is Sony India customer care
I am Nitin Sagar, a 23 year old software engineer living in Delhi.
Last month just prior to Diwali, I purchased a 60GB PS3 (with warranty). I wanted to get an Xbox 360 but I didn't want to get into the hassles of having to keep sending my gaming console for frequent repairs. Unfortunately that made me buy a PS3 and boy was that a bad decision.
A month later my PS3 stopped reading any discs. This suddenly happened when I was happily playing Resistance : Fall of Man. It just hung and then wouldn't acknowledge any disc put in it. This happened on 23rd December 2007 (right during the holiday season!)
I took it to the Lajpat Nagar service centre and thats when things got even worse.
First, they refused to take my set in because I did not bring the accessories. I had called up the customer care number atleast thrice before bringing in the unit and they did not mention anything about getting all the accessories along. After a minor heated argument, all throughout which I was saying I would get the accessories when I come to pick my system or they can just replace the console, they finally took in my PS3. On my way out I was told that the 60GB is not in stock and would take 10 days for replacement since it would need to come from Singapore. (Log Information number : 300422391)
Then, on the 27th of December 2007 I got a call from the Lajpat Nagar service centre saying my PS3 was fixed. I drove 20 kms to reach there, only to find out that it was in the same state as before. Not a single game being tested by the workers there worked. I was called for no reason. I deposited the accessories I had brought along and left dejected. I wanted to fill a feedback form for the same but I was refused to be given one.
On 30th December 2007, I got a call from Sony India asking me from where I had purchased the unit to which I replied with all the information I knew. I was told I would be getting a call back in 1/2 an hour. I never got a call.
On 2nd January I called up the customer care number and I was told I would get a call back from the engineering staff to update me of my PS3 status. I never got a call.
On 3rd January, I called up again and spoke to Azhar who told me the same thing. I didn't get a call that day either.
On 4th January I spoke with Richa who again, told me the same thing, also adding that my system was repaired and it would be delivered to the Lajpat Nagar service centre by afternoon. I was supposed to get a call by noon which I didn't.
On 4th January, I called up the service centre again and spoke to Shefali who said that my unit would need to be replaced and it would take some 10-13 days. This was the 13th day since I had submitted my unit. I logged a complaint regarding the horrible handling of customers by Sony India (complaint number 2638651)
It seems no one has any clue what is happening with the PS3 and what to do with it.
This is the worst treatment I have ever faced as a consumer. I will make sure I never buy a Sony product ever again in my life. I will also make sure that word of the excellent Sony India customer care department gets around on sites such as, and I think the people at the Xbox forums should also know that they are getting the better end of the deal. It seems the Microsoft India staff knows how to handle their customers. Sony should take a cue from that.
I'm sure this is all a worthless effort and I will not even be getting a reply of this mail, let alone my PS3 back in the near future.
An extremely disheartened Sony India customer,
Nitin Sagar
p.s.: This is a copy of my letter to Sony India customer care detailing my 13 day experience with them.
p.p.s.: If anyone has any contact details of Atindriya Bose, the Country Manager of Sony Computer Entertainment (India), please do let me know.
p.p.s.2: Here are all the links of my complaint on the internet. I will keep adding to this list till my problem is solved :
- Complaints Board
- Gaming Indians Forum (need to login)
- Mouthshut
- Digg
Labels: consumerist
This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 08, 2008 at 1:08 AM.

I'm shocked to see sony treating its customers like this. But what happened to you could have happened to anyone. Hope things work out for you.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 6:25:00 AM Posted by
down wid ps3! xbox 360 FTW!!
Friday, January 11, 2008 9:29:00 AM Posted by
Dear Mr. N Sagar,
I am very sad to hear of your experiences with Sony Customer Service. However, I would like to remind you that you have not been treating customers well yourself. You promise them a post, but then do not deliver.
I am sorry to bring this up in a public forum, but it seems to be the only way we can communicate. I do promise, however, that I shall try not to spread the word around of your poor customer service.
Disappointed, yet hopeful,
Pritam P Sukumar
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:55:00 PM Posted by rocks...:P
well atleast sony usa...
Thursday, January 31, 2008 10:37:00 PM Posted by
Hey dude wassup? How is life apart from ur broken PS?
Sunday, February 17, 2008 9:51:00 PM Posted by
Hey shaggy ....
nice to see you back (actively) in blogland; it's pleasure to read what you write and usually it is interesting.
as for customer care, forget it. take what you get and expect no more! i am kind of going through a similar pain-in-the-butt with abn!
anyways, hope that your ps3 is up and running now :).
Friday, November 27, 2009 10:27:00 AM Posted by
i m Nitin Sagar, IIT Bombay, coz of u koi nayi sait nahi koi nayi address nhi....but bhai ke hisaab se evryhng is nok na?
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