The Thin Line
How is it that you can spend an eternity loving someone and forget it all one fine moment and feel complete aversion towards that person? Is the heart to blame? Is it that love comes from the heart and hatred comes from the brain; and is brain the stronger of the two; is it correct in being so?
Why is it that the ones that love us the most (and vice-versa) hurt us the most?
Really how thin is the line between love and hate?
Why is it that the ones that love us the most (and vice-versa) hurt us the most?
Really how thin is the line between love and hate?
This entry was posted on Monday, May 29, 2006 at 11:28 AM.

u hate some one so much only cos u have loved that one so much.It would be just an apathy if u never loved him.the one who love us so much can only hurt us so much as with them lie our greater expectations.we just dont care abt others.philosophies apart,hope u r alright.
Monday, May 29, 2006 6:28:00 PM Posted by
GHB are you ok? ...
I think when love turns to hatred.
your brain don't want to know nor hear "SORRY" and your heart questions WHY...WHY...????
if love develops to hatred...It hurts but yet keeps a window open.
LIke a crack is necessary for some light to enter in.
what fears me most is love developing into "the feeling of indifference"......
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 4:23:00 AM Posted by
@pk: very true my man....its those expectations which come crashing down most of the time.
say...u told me u found my blog thru orkut...atleast add me there so i can et to know u better
@passerby: i am ok now passerby...thanks for the turning into indifference is a scary though indeed...but thats what happens when love ends isn't it?
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:10:00 AM Posted by
hey! what happened? this was so unexpected that i am feeling very disurbed...u take care, ok buddy?
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:17:00 AM Posted by
It can be a very thin line sometimes, GHB... that's why there are so many "crimes of passion", where people kill those they claim to really love.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:42:00 AM Posted by
talk talk u fool
Friday, June 09, 2006 12:24:00 PM Posted by
u can't hate a person unless u luv him(/her). be it consciously or unconsciously. u hate a person only if u expect n they dont live upto ur expectations, n u expect only from those you luv.hatred is a phase of luv, but is often not realised/ understood.
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