Drumroll please
Ta Da!
After about 6 hours of non-stop work, I've finally accomplished my good deed of the day. :)
Ladies and Gentlement, I present to you the new look of my blog. It uses a highly (self) modified WordPress' Kubrick template and a random header image generator, so that no one gets bored seeing the same image over and over again (the main reason why I grew sick of my old blog). Refresh my blog to be instantly entertained. :P
Thanks to Rustagi for giving me the inspiration to finally change the template.
The look is classy to say the least. I'll try to add some more oomph factor to it but right now more important things beckon me...food and sleep! :)
Thanks to Rustagi for giving me the inspiration to finally change the template.
The look is classy to say the least. I'll try to add some more oomph factor to it but right now more important things beckon me...food and sleep! :)
This entry was posted on Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 6:59 PM.

this is a nice surprise!! i actually thought i had stubbled upon someone elses blog by mistake. cool!!! i lik ethe change :)
Monday, February 13, 2006 12:31:00 AM Posted by
thank u thank u >:D<
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