IIT Bombay's Techfest 2006 ended a few days ago. As part of last year's organizing team, I was kinda running around a little here and there this time around too when I met a team for one of Techfest's event. The 3 member contingent team was from Pakistan. Very interesting people to talk to; full of stories about Pakistan and their present adventures in India. And since I kinda speak north-Indian (almost) Punjabi ascented Hindi, my tone resembled their Urdu ascents. I later had dinner with them. Interesting chaps indeed.
These guys had me thinking - what constitutes a country? I mean what distinguishes the people of one country from another - esp. 2 countries like India and Pakistan. Is it just the physical boundary that separates the two? Indians and Pakistanis - how different are we from each other? Do we not welcome them with open arms? Would they not do the same for us? And yet we keep fighting. Sad world we live in.
These guys had me thinking - what constitutes a country? I mean what distinguishes the people of one country from another - esp. 2 countries like India and Pakistan. Is it just the physical boundary that separates the two? Indians and Pakistanis - how different are we from each other? Do we not welcome them with open arms? Would they not do the same for us? And yet we keep fighting. Sad world we live in.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 10:33 AM.

@GHB~this is exactly where u and i come. we have to unite the two warring countries.
jokes apart,i think there's an amalgam of false hatred,bitter memories and lots of politics keeping the two countries apart. the common Pakistanis and Indians don't really have so much of bitterness towards themselves.
i hope there is peace soon.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:26:00 PM Posted by
those guys invited me for their techology fest in march this year, its mostly coding competitions... you can consider a holiday in Pakistan :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:30:00 AM Posted by
@mizfit : go girl!
@highway star: i got an invitation too.... chalo pakistan. :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:37:00 AM Posted by
You're looking at it the wrong way...
Inspite of there being unending fighting and "an amalgam of false hatred,bitter memories and lots of politics", we still welcome them with open arms and rest happy with the knowledge that they will do the same for us.
Not a sad world after all :P
p.s :- mizfitji, I used your comment. Pls to not mind!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:25:00 AM Posted by
well... GHB
An indian has his/her feet on Hindustani Soil ...
A Pakistani keeps it on PAKistani...
For each of us ones Motherland.
All is fair in love and this case with motherhood.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:53:00 AM Posted by
Politics. From the top, greed to the bottom, greed. Human nature?
Or is it like a ball rolling down a hill, once it starts...
P.S. I won't kill you off, in fact I'll give you a starring role(Don't tell the girls). I'll be back in a week w/a plan.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:12:00 AM Posted by
Simple. A nation is the land on which my subjects live. Sure, they may (from time to time) try and get way outta line, but my robot army will make quick work of dissenters.
It's tough work being a King.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:50:00 AM Posted by
@pritam : not a sad world, indeed! :)
@passerby : that fair?
l>t : yayyyyyyyyy!!!! have a nice trip l>t. :)
@his majesty: welcome my king. ur humble subject gives u due respect.
p.s.:btw i opened ur blog and the loud music made me fling my speakers out of the now u owe me new speakers....have a nice day. :)
Friday, January 27, 2006 9:46:00 PM Posted by
@pritamji~ u r welcome coz i am flattered :)
Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:39:00 AM Posted by
u people are noxious
Monday, January 30, 2006 2:37:00 AM Posted by
@amita~if u think i'm noxious like others. u r wrong. i'm da only one noxious here and i take great pride in it.
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