WOW! New speakers to hear the Vilasrao (al)bum on!
PS. The seedy is in the male.
Which hostel should I send it to?
Going by the fact that you were so anxious to get the freebiee irrespective of quality I am asuming that it would have to be the "old" (I'm not sure if they have renumbered the hostels in the last couple of decades) Hostel 8.
WOW! New speakers to hear the Vilasrao (al)bum on!
PS. The seedy is in the male.
Which hostel should I send it to?
Going by the fact that you were so anxious to get the freebiee irrespective of quality I am asuming that it would have to be the "old" (I'm not sure if they have renumbered the hostels in the last couple of decades) Hostel 8.
They always had horrible taste in music
Saturday, February 11, 2006 1:52:00 AM Posted by
i'm in h2 btw. and i have amazing taste in music!! :D
Saturday, February 18, 2006 2:00:00 AM Posted by
i took my speakers back ...
and with that your golf-kit too
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