Rock On Man!!

Heres a confession - I completely love rock music. People might say that rock music is nothing but noise. I strongly disagree. I've been hooked on rock for as long as I remember. Sure, as a little kid I used to watch some stupid pop music videos on TV and sing along and all. But what do little kids know anyway? :P This semester, I've taken up a course on Indian Classical Music Appreciation just to get back to my roots. Still waiting to see how that works out. I love the lectures though - you enter class to find music being played and the professor himself starts singing too - its almost like going to a pub. :)
Another thing I completely love is driving. The thrill of racing a mean machine on smooth terrain overwhelms me. Although, I prefer the roads of my hometown Delhi, Mumbai highways offer a pleasurable ride too, esp. at night. And Mumbai being the city that never sleeps, I've had enough oppurtunities to do a lot of night driving. Going to the rock concert meant driving all the way down to south Mumbai, about an hour drive. All throughout, we had loud rock music blaring from the car speakers - in anticipation.
We reached there to find a crowd of about 60 people, most of them being elderly men who I'm sure were just wandering about and decided to see what the fuss was all about - very unlike a rock concert crowd. But as time passed, the hardcore rockers came in, wearing the classic rock concert uniform - black tee with jeans.
Now the concert. Two Indian bands were to perform - a local band, Zero, and a quite popular Delhi-based band called Parikrama. The show started with Zero pelting out some pop numbers and some rockish items. Obviously the crowd was not pleased. The hardcore rockers started moshing - hurling themselves at each other and the crowd. The elder people looked all shocked. I'm sure moshpits didn't exist some 20 years in the past. Infact I learnt about moshing only recently so can't really blame them. For someone who is unaware of the concept of moshing, those rockers must've looked like drunk kids trying to pick a fight. :P And oh, there was this one dude who was trying to do all sorts of Indian classical dances when the music was being played. To some, he was far more interesting than the band.

Do notice the lack of synonyms in this post and the excessive use of the words "awesome" and "amazing". Mind-numbness is one of the after-effects of attending a rock concert I guess. Other after-effects include neck ache from the head-banging, sore feet from the jumping about, body ache from the moshing, a splitting headache from all the loud noise, complete loss of one's voice from all the singing along loudly and loss of atleast 5 kgs of body weight (which I consider a good thing, so its accepted). All in all an amazing concert...simply awesome!! :P
This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 at 11:37 AM.

It's a long journey that landed me here.
Glad I did though! Great writing style and just the right amount of atitude. Irreverent without being obnoxious. (It must have something to do with the Powai Water)
Reminds me of a guy who two decades back used to trudge down from Y point to the then "newly opened" Huma Heena (twin theatres not the new fangled multiplex) to check out the movies.
Thursday, February 09, 2006 1:03:00 AM Posted by
@f-cubed : welcome! nice to have new readers man. do tell me about that long'll be interesting to know how ppl stumble upon this public diary of mine. and do tell me more about urself.
Thursday, February 09, 2006 7:11:00 AM Posted by
by the way... did you check out Superhero? Nice song.. :)
-pee cee
Thursday, February 09, 2006 8:17:00 AM Posted by
i've been too hooked on "open skies" to listen to anything else :)
Thursday, February 09, 2006 8:32:00 AM Posted by
thank us for asking them for open skies :P
Thursday, February 09, 2006 9:01:00 AM Posted by
we were the only ones thr making noise man...what wud they have done without us :P
Thursday, February 09, 2006 11:54:00 AM Posted by
how i long to ba back in the campus scene..]
being a research shol aint easy...n v boring too
n i do like parikrama btw
Thursday, February 09, 2006 2:13:00 PM Posted by
i love parikrama! this was their 2nd concert i was attending =P~
Thursday, February 09, 2006 7:58:00 PM Posted by
Sounds like a immersion into Rock. You've been babtized, baby.
Friday, February 10, 2006 12:07:00 AM Posted by
i'm yet to go to a rock concerrt. i barely know anybody enjoys rock. most of the people i know, who love rock, are gals and delhi ain't safe for gals to travel by themselves after dark. delhi SUCKS in this matter.
Friday, February 10, 2006 1:01:00 AM Posted by
@l>t : i've been (almost) baptized once before...tho unsuccessfully...thank God :)
@mizfit : 17th, 18th, 19th Great Indian Rock @ Delhi. u have been warned!!! :P
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