Now 2 movie tributes in 2 consecutive blog posts is not something I usually do but I just couldn't help myself this time. Yesterday night I watched this movie called 'Oldboy'. Its a Korean movie and its AWESOME!! After watching Casshern and a couple of other Korean flicks I'm becoming a die-hard fan of the industry.
In the hope that some Korean director will notice my blog and let me do a superhero role in his next movie, I present to you a semi-rendition of Oldboy - dedicated to all the Korean script writers. And don't worry I won't spoil the story for those who haven't seen the movie (I'm goodboy) :)
So it starts off like this see. One fine day, this guy wearing the fake angel wings (Now do you realize why I mentioned the script writer? :P) ...

Obviously, in a few days he starts looking like this -

But the dude makes the best use of the oppurtunity (poor thing can't do much else can he?) and trains himself in the hope of avenging himself when he finally (if ever) gets out of his hell-hole.

Well as luck would have it, before long he manages to get out.
Correction 1 : 'before long' should be replaced by 'after 15 years'.
Correction 2 : 'he manages to get out' should be replaced by 'his captors get fed up seeing him ruin his life by watching TV all day long; and throw him out'

So off the dude goes to find the person who fed him horrible chicken dumplings for that long. He does, however, take some time off to go shopping for his weapon of mass destruction - the one that would cause fear in the hearts of this captors - the one that could beat the cool guns used in the Matrix trilogy movies hands down! Yes, dear readers, you guessed it...

Anyway, the dude seriously kicks some major a$$ and takes down this whole army of fat, bald, topless men who appear out of nowhere to mess his hairstyle. ("Dare you touch my hair you bastards!!! Now die!!!!")

Then he lives happily ever after without a single ounce of guilt in his body. THE END!!!
Anyway, jokes and trying-to-be-funny tributes apart, the movie rocks. It actually has a very unique story and brilliant direction. And believe me when I say this, the climax will blow you away. The mystery of '15 years' is awesome!! A must watch for anyone who enjoys a breath-takingly different, new age movie.
P.S. : There is also this fighting scene (refer to 'Hammer Time' above) which is about 2 and a 1/2 minutes in length and seems to be a single continuous shot (I wonder how many retakes it took to film that!) in which the dude beats up about 20 thugs single handedly with his trusty hammer. The scene is simply too cool!!
This entry was posted on Sunday, January 29, 2006 at 9:47 AM.

u inspire me GHB
not to watch the fim tho, but to write my own reviews...
Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:50:00 AM Posted by
medusa u rock
Sunday, January 29, 2006 4:57:00 PM Posted by
hi..i have read both the reviews. Both are very well written. I agree with Medusa
you have appreciated both the films and found one awesum...
I hardly watch movies, but shall see oldboy and RDB.
I was wondering how would a review sound from you (if you had seen a movie which you plainly hated for having wasted your time, energy and money). A movie you repented veiwing...Can you criticise?
I am sure for there is another Khaleed Mohammed into making.
Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:26:00 PM Posted by
hmmm...thats the dificult part isn't it? wasting more time writing a review of a movie on which u've already wasted some precious 2/3 hours of ur life. i'll give it a try some time tho...sarcasm comes naturally to me, hence, won't be that much of a problem :)
thanks passerby55 (blushing)
Monday, January 30, 2006 2:21:00 AM Posted by
tee hee hee....sorry, liked ur desciption though it seemed a lil funny than cool.
btw, i know a korean director.he makes all his movies in one colour. i wonder if thats y he's called the king of 'blues'. i'm not too sure u wanna meet him ;)
Monday, January 30, 2006 5:05:00 AM Posted by
The answer is 17....
17 retakes to shoot 'hammer time'.. courtesy imdb
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