Chronicles of the Master Procastinator - Part I
I have loads of work to do which I keep postponing to some mythical day in the not-so-near future. I also plan to get out of the city soon 'coz sometimes I get stifled. Dunno how I'm gonna explain my absence to my guide, but I'm a staunch believer of the (self devised) Could-Be Theory Of Procastination - "Things which need to be done, get done on their own!!" :)
Anyway, I've been tying new ways to keep myself busy (anything which doesn't involve academics :P ). As readers of my blog must be aware of already, I really loved the movie Rang De Basanti . There was this scene in the movie where 2 guys stand on a ledge and do bottoms-up till one of them finally loses balance and falls (safely) in a pool of water.

I tried doing the same today. Except the beer was replaced by a Mountain Dew and the ledge was hardly one feet off the ground. But hey, its the thought that counts right, not the minute details! :P Ofcourse things went far from perfect when all the soda went straight to my nose with some even trickling out of my left eye (I didn't even think that was possible!! :O ). I would rate this act very highly for amusing friends and making them think of you as a completely nonsensical idiot. Do give it a shot. :P

In the meantime, if any of you have any suggestions for killing time without actually doing anything productive, do comment. :)
This entry was posted on Monday, February 13, 2006 at 2:12 AM.

We used to take the mountaineering Club gear and set up a rappelling session from the terrace.
And then of course you could sit out near the fish pond with its faux Statue of Liberty (H3 had one I'm not sure if H2 did) from breker till lunch (with a repeat broadcast after dinner) and discuss all about the tragedy of IIT which prepared you for a job from 9 - 5 but left you completely at a loose end on coping with life from 5 pm to 9 am.
That snap takes me back nearly a quarter of a century when we used to sit out on those ledges and have the freshers "introduce themselves to us".
I think they have not painted the staircase in the interim period.
PS Why no beer. Since when did the Hostels become no-booze zones?
Monday, February 13, 2006 1:15:00 PM Posted by
Shit! Today's IITian downloads and watches a movie when he's bored!
Times have changed! :((
Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:50:00 PM Posted by
ur act was highly amusing for ur fellow bloggers too, i must say.
besides gutterspace's fantastic time killing idea that i personally use, i suggest that u stand before the mirror and practice imitating people u know. this way u remain occupied and it will make a great actor out of u!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:07:00 PM Posted by
Hau!!! You're not supposed to kill time...only "passing" time is killing of poor little Mr. i was told by "somebody"!!
Friday, February 24, 2006 9:36:00 AM Posted by
could do reading your blog..sory but couldn't help writing myself from writing this.
Friday, February 24, 2006 10:46:00 AM Posted by
i know i'm really late replying to this but nevermind :)
@fcubed: i think pritam pretty much explained today's scenario. and hostels are not no-booze zones, its just that i don't drink. :|
@pritam: they sure have my frnd.
@gutterspace: excellent suggetion.
@mizfit: thank u mizfit...and about that mirror suggestion...i can't stand in front of the mirror for long without making stupid faces :P
@anon: let me guess...that "somebody" was pps :P
@solan: welcome to my blog yet again, said the grasshopperboy to solan
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