Of Okut Testimonials
I ran across an old friend after a long time today. The thing I loved about him was that although he was 4 years senior to me, he never treated me as a freshie in my first year. This made me develop oodles of respect for him. Although he's a little short in height, he more than makes up for that with his coolness; and his name is CMS.
As I found out, he recently went on a (sort of a) blind date with some bandi (slang for woman) who he had met over the net. The bandi not only turned out to be hot but also filthy rich. She was also a techie - which I consider a pretty unique feat as I don't know many bandis who are interested in tech. Infact, one of my most favourite persons on Earth completely loathes computers and prefers not even laying her hands on them. I, on the other hand, was born an internet baby. Not only do I surf like crazy, I'm also a member of almost all online social communities like Orkut, etc. (Believe me, if you're a member of such a community try searching for my name; you'd be amazed!)
Anyway coming back to the hot date; now comes the interesting part. When CMS showed up for the date, the bandi was shocked. The first thing she told him was "You're supposed to be 6'1 !" Obviously CMS was confused, but after a little introspection he concluded that I was to blame for the this misunderstanding. You see, I had once written him a testimonial on Orkut which went "...very nice person with a sense of humour which is hard to understand at times but u have to laught along anyway 'coz he's 6 1/2 feet tall and has a pretty hefty body!" Yikes!!
Obviously the date turned out to be more awkward than most first blind-dates, which is a real something!! Personally, I feel that a bandi, who does so much research before a first-date with a guy, by going through the testimonials others have written for him, is a bad choice anyway. I mean theres nothing left to explore on a first date if you already know the guy's entire history, habits and all. CMS, ofcourse, had an altogether different opinion. Actually, I'm sure I would too if my date was hot and interesting.
So, heres wishing CMS luck with his future encounters with the opposite gender. I've promised him that I would not be writing any more misleading testimonials. BTW, one interesting thing to note, is that he has still not deleted that testimonial which I had written for him. :P
As I found out, he recently went on a (sort of a) blind date with some bandi (slang for woman) who he had met over the net. The bandi not only turned out to be hot but also filthy rich. She was also a techie - which I consider a pretty unique feat as I don't know many bandis who are interested in tech. Infact, one of my most favourite persons on Earth completely loathes computers and prefers not even laying her hands on them. I, on the other hand, was born an internet baby. Not only do I surf like crazy, I'm also a member of almost all online social communities like Orkut, etc. (Believe me, if you're a member of such a community try searching for my name; you'd be amazed!)
Anyway coming back to the hot date; now comes the interesting part. When CMS showed up for the date, the bandi was shocked. The first thing she told him was "You're supposed to be 6'1 !" Obviously CMS was confused, but after a little introspection he concluded that I was to blame for the this misunderstanding. You see, I had once written him a testimonial on Orkut which went "...very nice person with a sense of humour which is hard to understand at times but u have to laught along anyway 'coz he's 6 1/2 feet tall and has a pretty hefty body!" Yikes!!
Obviously the date turned out to be more awkward than most first blind-dates, which is a real something!! Personally, I feel that a bandi, who does so much research before a first-date with a guy, by going through the testimonials others have written for him, is a bad choice anyway. I mean theres nothing left to explore on a first date if you already know the guy's entire history, habits and all. CMS, ofcourse, had an altogether different opinion. Actually, I'm sure I would too if my date was hot and interesting.
So, heres wishing CMS luck with his future encounters with the opposite gender. I've promised him that I would not be writing any more misleading testimonials. BTW, one interesting thing to note, is that he has still not deleted that testimonial which I had written for him. :P
This entry was posted on Monday, December 12, 2005 at 11:56 AM.

obviously, he atleast got to meet the bandi right?
Monday, December 12, 2005 9:34:00 PM Posted by
GHB i thought u were supposed to b saving men n not putting them into awkward situations. nevertheless, as medusa says, atleast he got to meet her. thanx to ur false testimonial. no wonder he has not deleted it :P
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 7:16:00 AM Posted by
oviously, The woman was looking for a specific type of man if she did that much research, must of been a real dissapointment. I have a single friend who does a lot of dating from sites like 'match.com' so far has not met Mr. Right. She wants to know everything about her blind dates, also.
I agree w/you that this prob. takes some of the adventure out of the meeting.
Some people look so hard for just the perfect person. But, as the saying goes; "Love is Blind."
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:37:00 PM Posted by
For your reading pleasure here is the complete testimonial i wrote for him. Enjoy.
CMS...hmmm....he's sitting on my bed, forcing me to write this...hence i have to.
very nice person with a sense of humour which is hard to understand at times but u have to laught along anyway 'coz he's 6 1/2 feet tall and has a pretty hefty body!
i always thought he was from another planet altogether but my doubts were removed recently..now i'm SURE that he is!!!!!!
seriously...he's a very friendly person, completely arbit and knows a lot more about computer than would seem. for all u women out there, only one advise...marry him right now or forever lose ur chance! :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:10:00 PM Posted by
How could you not want to go out w/someone w/references like that!
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