The Grasshopper Vanishes - Story 1
Inspired by Pritam's blog (and Harumi Murakami), I though I'd try my hands at short stories for a change. So here goes my first original piece -
Kurt loved Keira. He really did; you could see it in his eyes. And Keira was only too happy to reciprocate the feeling. When Kurt and Keira walked hand-in-hand through the streets of central Tokyo, it was as if a thousand love-birds sang - literally.
After seven years of courtship, Keira decided that Kurt was stifling her; she needed some more space to breathe. So she put their beautiful love to an end. Kurt was heart-broken. It was as if all of a sudden he felt incomplete - again. Keira moved to New York. The love-birds stopped singing.
7 months passed. Keira had almost forgotten Kurt and how it felt to be loved by someone. Somehow she didn't care. Then Kurt showed up. Keira's first thought was not how he had managed to find her but of that of a little baby swimming in a pool. Without saying a word, Kurt took her into his arms. Keira never resisted.
The next morning they woke up next to each other. Love-birds were chirping outside. Then without a word or any expression on his face, Kurt got up and jolted towards the main door. Keira called out to him but to no avail. She had just managed to put on her pair of jeans and made her way to the open door when she heard a screech from the road outside. She ran. Outside, a truck had hit Kurt head on. Witnesses said that he did not scream. Just as a single drop of tear was running down her face, she noticed the tattoo on the truck. It said "Nirvana"!
After seven years of courtship, Keira decided that Kurt was stifling her; she needed some more space to breathe. So she put their beautiful love to an end. Kurt was heart-broken. It was as if all of a sudden he felt incomplete - again. Keira moved to New York. The love-birds stopped singing.
7 months passed. Keira had almost forgotten Kurt and how it felt to be loved by someone. Somehow she didn't care. Then Kurt showed up. Keira's first thought was not how he had managed to find her but of that of a little baby swimming in a pool. Without saying a word, Kurt took her into his arms. Keira never resisted.
The next morning they woke up next to each other. Love-birds were chirping outside. Then without a word or any expression on his face, Kurt got up and jolted towards the main door. Keira called out to him but to no avail. She had just managed to put on her pair of jeans and made her way to the open door when she heard a screech from the road outside. She ran. Outside, a truck had hit Kurt head on. Witnesses said that he did not scream. Just as a single drop of tear was running down her face, she noticed the tattoo on the truck. It said "Nirvana"!
This entry was posted on Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 2:04 PM.

How tragic!
Hey for your next Birhday, come over here. You pay your way & I'll put you up. It'll be fun. I promise no one will spank you, O.K.?
Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:21:00 PM Posted by
(big hug)
Sunday, December 11, 2005 9:59:00 AM Posted by
so when will grasshopper boy arrive at there scene?
Sunday, December 11, 2005 8:22:00 PM Posted by
GhB will not be featured in the short stories. He'll be thr in the comic strip, hopefully.
Sunday, December 11, 2005 8:25:00 PM Posted by
GhB will not be featured in the short stories. He'll be thr in the comic strip, hopefully.
Sunday, December 11, 2005 10:01:00 PM Posted by
i didn't hear the thousand love birds sing but i did hear the truck halting with its wheels screeching behind it '_'
Monday, December 12, 2005 5:55:00 AM Posted by
lets get the fluffy back.. lets get the fluffy back..
my friend also got a little Obelix from Asterix park in Paris.. -Onkar
Monday, December 12, 2005 6:19:00 AM Posted by
I thought you were going to call this story "Rebound" :D
Monday, December 12, 2005 9:24:00 AM Posted by
@mizfit : whats the point of a relationship if the birds arn't singing? ;)
@onkar : >:)
@ pritam : i generalised this story...hence removed the "personal" title. :)
dear boy, come back fast.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:09:00 AM Posted by
Great story
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