Just for the heck of it
The reason for the lack of posts on my blog is because lately i've become too lazy! And I love being lazy....oh boy do I love being lazy!
So what have I been doing lately? Hmm a lot of things.
A couple of days ago I went to the Mumbai domestic airport to get my tickets to Delhi booked. I couldn't do this online coz then my parents find out about it through the credit card slips and this time I wanted my trip to be a fraudie one. I'm a staunch believer in signs sent by God to mortals and my car being towed away from the airport was one such sign of more impending dangers to come. And the worst part was that my car wasn't even parked in a No Parking zone or anything. They just felt like towing it away. Well, one thing I've learnt from my previous experiences is never to argue with cops. So all I was saying was "Yes Sir!". And what made it worse is the traffic cop was having his fun - "So where are you from?", "What are you doing in Mumbai?", "Oh! IIT!". The last thing I wanted at that moment was a chatty cop, you know. There are nicer ways of being friendly - like waving off that 300 bucks fine. :(( Anyway, in the end, the cheap tickets I booked for the trip kinda compensated for the fine. I know thats a stupid statement but it cheers me up.
Then one fine day I went to this place called U.S. Pizza where they were having an unlimited pizza offer - for only about a hundred bucks. Too good to resist!!! (drooling) So off we went. About 3 hours later, surviving the dozens and dozens of pizzas thrown our way, I was down with a burnt inner-mouth and an upset stomach. But if I were to put the entire experience in just one word, it would most undoubtedly be - cheese!! :X
I've taken this course on Indian Classical Music, and man, it is brilliant. On entering class, one is subjected to music being played. Its almost like a pub! :) And I love it, even though it is all raags and other Indian classical forms of music. Lately there was so much Nusrat Fatel Ali Khan being played in class, that I fell in love with him. So these days thats all I've been listening to. This has, ofcourse, freaked out my neighbours because now, instead of loud blaring rock music (esp. Nirvana and Pearl Jam) which usually emanates from my room, they are subjected to songs like "Aafreen Aafreen" and "Allah Hoo"! But as I always say - "A change is eminent - the more drastic the better!" Ofcourse, this is just a temporary phase, so hope my neighbours. :)
Coming to a different topic altogther, last night I realised that I needed help. Have a look at the pic below. Here is the original link.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 10:12 PM.

dont worry, i also noticed the dinosaur toy and unlike u felt totally creeped by its lizard likeness.
welcome back by the way
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:41:00 PM Posted by
@medusa : arre i'm still lazy.. :)
never know when i'll go off again. :)
Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:57:00 AM Posted by
my psychiatric evaluation says:
1. u r gay
2. u like dinosours
3. u r in the wrong time-zone
4. u r a freaking lazy fool for not realising that dinosours are extinct.
now that would be Rs. 15,000. payable through, DD, Mastercard or by hand. have a nice day
Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:13:00 AM Posted by
@mizfit: i always wanted to go around wearing a tee which said "save the dodos"...don't tell me they are extinct too. OMG!!
Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:39:00 PM Posted by
i think we need to talk to mizfit asap. i still think she is the right woman for the job and et...
Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:00:00 PM Posted by
no dear, dodos are in hiding. so u r right abt saving the dodos but it's an international secret so don't talk abt it much, ok?
Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:52:00 AM Posted by
u are an infrequent blogger!
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