Breaking the first rule of Fight Club

I had seen some really amazing movies before watching the Fight Club, but it definitely took the cake. The story, the characters, the ending; everything just blew me away. It was one of those attitute movies - "In your face" kinda.
If you haven't seen the movie, here is a short summary - The story revolves around a bored, insomiac narrator who meets this anti-Christ personality called Tyler Durden. Things go topsy-turvy from there. These guys like to fight each other for fun, which leads to the formation of "The Fight Club", a club where people come to relieve their frustration in life, by beating each other mercilessly to pulp. The club gains massive popularity and before long Tyler becomes a cult leader and starts this crazy shit called Project Mayhem. As the name would suggest, its all about causing mayhem. Towards the ending, the narrator regains his moral self and goes up against Tyler's personal army, finding out the dark secret that is Tyler Durden.
If you have already seen the movie, you would know by now that the no words can describe the movie. Its pure art. The story is actually based on a novel by some freaky dude called Chuck Palahniuk (or something like that) and this one is actually one of his cleaner works. I'd read up a story by him called "Guts" available on the internet somewhere (Warning : not for the weak of heart. Also the reason why I'm not putting up the link here), and I could not sleep properly for the next few days. (If you still do look it up, mind you, you have been warned!)
The dialogues of Fight Club are geniously crafted. They just keep getting better and better with each viewing. The role of Tyler is played by Brad Pitt, whose movies I completely love, be it Se7en, Ocean's Eleven, The Mexican, etc.; the role of the narrator is played by Edward Norton, an amazing actor himself. The psycho music playing in the background is also highly addictive. All these factors make the movie a masterpiece in the true sense of the word.
Another thing that I really liked, was the fact that the mass popularity of the movie did not spawn a sequel - something that happens every-so-often ruining the air surrounding the original title, because the sequels usually suck - major time.
So as I go watch it right now, I would encourage you to do so too. Get a DVD and experience this modern-age epic. You can come back and thank me later. :)
I hail thee, Tyler Durden.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 30, 2005 at 11:35 AM.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:44:00 PM Posted byi saw the movie thinking it to be a simple action-film. man! did that movie suck the breath out of me? i don't recall breathing while the movie was in progress. Hail Tyler!!!! (visit me
Wednesday, November 30, 2005 9:52:00 PM Posted by
BTW, i'm loooove AMELIE (the movie, not a gal). one of the craziest, strangest, lovable characters who creates magic in daily life. don't u think? FIGHT CLUB and AMELIE, hmmm, nice combo :)
Thursday, December 01, 2005 12:23:00 AM Posted by
dude, medusa is only trying to come to your rescue coz u r out there somewhere lost in the wilderness....and heaven only knows what sidekick girl has done to medusa n potbelly are frends...but ofcourse, if you want it any other way, then....
Thursday, December 01, 2005 12:29:00 AM Posted by
in GHB we trust? hmmmm
smirks contentedly
it is upto medusa n potbelly to save keep up the false consciousness of these people and protect fetishised ghb
Thursday, December 01, 2005 12:52:00 AM Posted by
medusa 2 questions for u :
1. have u seen fight club?
2. have u seen fight club?
i do not expect same answer for both these questions :P
Thursday, December 01, 2005 12:59:00 AM Posted by
@ mizfit : i completely loved AMELIE too (the movie not the gal :P). i was actually cheering for her in the last frames of the movie when she finds her guy.
about fight club : after watching the movie again last night, i realised that there isn't a single dialogoue in the movie which cannot be framed and put up on the wall. and when u know the ending each scene takes a completely different meaning. hail tyler indeed!
Thursday, December 01, 2005 1:50:00 AM Posted by
both mizfit n ghb, now go and watch run, lola, run!
Thursday, December 01, 2005 2:27:00 AM Posted by
seen it long back. good movie it is. now u go and watch mulholland drive.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 5:58:00 AM Posted by
Hey you want a lead role in the remake of Mulholland Drive? Its called Mulund Drive and you get to drive us around in your car!
Thursday, December 01, 2005 7:33:00 AM Posted by
that depends...who's the female lead? ;)
Thursday, December 01, 2005 10:29:00 AM Posted by
Mullholland drive is sick. Though it has fairly attractive pornographic content. I saw some other crazy shit by lynch where all the characters acted like rabbits or something.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 11:30:00 AM Posted by was called rabbits. i had some episodes of it but not the complete series. if u read up an analysis of that on the internet u'll realize that it was a creative piece of work.
and btw, mulholland drive is not sick and it does not contain pornographic content. see it with an open mind 'roger waters'.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 12:12:00 PM Posted by
no sucked big time..... You know it wasnt't made for the masses ... it was kind of like a story writer's fantasy...but fight club.. now thats meant to entertain the masses...
- Cortez the Killer a.k.a ask pps who i am!! :P
Thursday, December 01, 2005 2:00:00 PM Posted by
growler, u fool...i know who u are. btw, about mulholland drive - 'to each his own'.
p.s.: about that whole "meant to entertain the masses"...u might be interested to know that fight club sorta "bombed" at the box office. it was only after its DVD release that it gained its mass following.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 2:19:00 PM Posted by
obviously dude.. u need to watch the movie again and again to realise its beauty!! Not MULHOLLAND DRIVE!! That movie is just dumb!!
- Cortez and i am not a fool, fool!
Thursday, December 01, 2005 8:08:00 PM Posted by
Grasshopper, I need your help & the help of your friends which are my friends also.
Go to my blog at my 'Musings, Rants, and Ravings' site & answer the Question there, please. :-}
I'll owe you a favor.
Thursday, December 01, 2005 8:16:00 PM Posted by
P.S. I will explain later.
Friday, December 02, 2005 3:05:00 AM Posted by
hey hero, check me out on my blog.
Friday, December 02, 2005 7:42:00 AM Posted by
this is singularly unfair, why does he get referred to as hero and not medusa?
Friday, December 02, 2005 8:26:00 PM Posted by
wats witrh men and fight club it the Godfather of our generation???i know its about venting male aggression and all but...yaa i guess it makes sense.
Saturday, December 03, 2005 5:05:00 AM Posted by
no man...fight club was more than just about fight clubs. it was about, hummmm, well...a whole lot more. :)
Saturday, December 03, 2005 6:36:00 AM Posted by
btw christopher nolan's memento was awwwweeeesssssooooommmmmmeeeee!!!
in fact his take on Batman was the best of the lot too...
Saturday, December 03, 2005 8:46:00 AM Posted by
i completely agree with u serendipiduous. the first time i watched memento, the vcd was i wasn't able to see the ending. i did see the ending, however, after 3-4 months and man i was like ... OMG!!
memento is def. up thr on my favs.
and so is batman begins. i watched it twice in hall and twice on DVD. it rocks.
Saturday, December 03, 2005 8:50:00 AM Posted by
btw seren, i like the way u think. adding u to my blog buddies. u get ur own button :)
Saturday, December 03, 2005 8:55:00 PM Posted by
am honoured but it doesnt take a lot to impress u does it ???(ok that was hope being hope) btw what hollywood release are u really really looking forward to this winter???? let me guess is it ....Peter crazy Jacko's King Kong???that man intrigues me i mean he takes on the most impossibly ambitious projects and does surprisingly passable jobs of them.
Sunday, December 04, 2005 2:23:00 AM Posted by
i am really looking forward to 'superman returns' plus the indian releases of jarhead and saw 2. dunno how excited i am bout king kong...but i'll def. watch it on the big screen.
Monday, December 05, 2005 5:55:00 AM Posted by
u take ur comics seriously dont u...i somehow never was taken by the blue and red freak unlike batman and spiderman he is this superbeing from... krypton is it ???
somehow superheroes without thier vulnerabilities make for bores...did an imdb on jarhead didnt know it was a sam mendes movie ...hmmmm will definitely make it a point to watch it.
saw 2, well am not sure about it though
Monday, December 05, 2005 2:12:00 PM Posted by
i never really appreciated superman for the same reason but the superman comics make a good reading. (yes, i still do manage to read them everytime i can lay my hands on them)
the point is - the more invulnerable the superhero, the more invulnerable the super-villians. :)
p.s.: batman can kick superman's a$$ anytime tho.
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