The Big Bash And The Art Of Motorcycle Riding
I haven't been blogging regularly b'coz I've been busy. Yes, all my exams are over and my holidays are supposed to be going on, but I've somehow managed to keep myself busy; and I don't know whether that is a good thing or bad.
Anyway, had fun today. One of my friends was celebrating his b'day today and instead of the routine run-of-the-mill IIT b'day celebrations which involve a swollen ass, long lasting cries of absolute pain and a pepsi treat to all, this guy decided to celebrate with a bash at a hotel near Juhu beach. Ofcourse none of us were complaining; for obvious reasons. :)
I was unable to take my car out at night due to malfunctioning headlights so I sat behind on a bike for the ride. Normally I don't do that since I have no need; the last time such a thing happening being a couple of years back. Since I have this morbid fear of bikes instilled in me by my dad thanks to his own innumerous bike-accident stories, I am shit-scared while sitting on one; but every time I get through one ride safely, that fear get pushed back little by little.
Anyway, the guy riding the bike, my next door neighbour Pungi, was a safe driver. So instead of feeling all scared, I was actually enjoying the ride. I even managed to take pics of a couple of interesting sights which I encountered along the way.
The first was a sign shown below. It was just plain old weird and made no sense what-so-ever. If it does to any of you, please do comment.

The second was the sight of our fellow bikers - a sardar and an extremely tall man, aptly christened Bamboo, who somehow seemed to resemble a couple of pirates. I've tried to recreate the scene from my imagination, which is posted below. Needless to say, all thoughout the journey I was shouting "Ahoy land lover!" loudly every time we passed them which sometimes made the other people on the road take notice and stare. They probably thought I was drunk or something.

Then came the party. Now the thing is that recently I've been putting on a lot of weight due to massive consumption of cheesey products - the main culprit, ofcourse, being pizza, which I love so dearly that if it were a woman I would marry it. So these days, much to my dismay, I'm on a self-constraint diet of sorts, which turned out to be a really bad thing considering all the free food which was there. I ate minimal and barely touched the desserts. My friends were "considerate" enough to sit right besides me and make lots of "yumm" sounds every time they took a bite. I was even given lots of detailed descriptions about the almost-unresistable desserts. With friends like these who needs B-52 bombers? The interesting part came when the b'day boy's mom put loads and loads of kulfi (ice-cream) on my plate and I had to go around feeding huge scoops of it to everyone who was willing to eat it. (Actually, everyone is willing to eat ice-cream so I didn't have that much of a trouble getting rid of it)
Food was followed by crazy dancing fits (which I stayed out of, trying to maintain the little dignity that I possessed), a couple of games (including one which is regarded as one of the most fun activities these days - "Spank Shaggy" (Shaggy is my pet name) - fun for everyone except me that is) and a request for a catfight between a couple of females, which was, surprisingly, turned down. And to think that I was really really looking forward to that catfight. :(
Anyway it turned out to be a really fun night enjoyed by all. I wish more of such bashes follow - as soon I have lost that extra weight that is! :P
This entry was posted on Friday, December 09, 2005 at 2:01 PM.

Grasshopper, are you getting chubby? Please don't get too fat. I have to ask you about a sentence in your post that makes absolutly no sense to me.You say:
"instead of the routine run-of-the-mill IIT B'day which involves a swollen ass, long lasting cries of absolute pain & a pepsi treat to all."
What in the world kind of birthday is that??
Friday, December 09, 2005 9:22:00 PM Posted by
IIT has possibly the worst b'day "celebrations" possible...the b'day boy is first picked up off the ground, by 4 guys and is then mercilessly beaten using footwear, kicked and spanked. Sometimes, if the poor chap is unlucky, there is cold water involved. The whole process is called "bumps" and is the major cause of people fearing the arrival of the day when they were born. Sad but true.
P.S.: Due to my b'day falling during vacation time, I've only had to undergo one such "bumps" experience. Needless to say, I could neither sit nor sleep properly for the following couple of days. (Plus, I'm sure I had a near-death experience at that time)
Friday, December 09, 2005 9:54:00 PM Posted by
dear pirate of India, fantastic pic. the resemblance, i admit, is very scary. btw, what is it abt catfights that guys like? it horrible, screeching, scratching. more like a witch-fight. do guys expects the fighting parties to 'make out' to make-up? (my personal fantasy, i admit)
Saturday, December 10, 2005 12:39:00 AM Posted by
so what, you get to be spanked ;)
Saturday, December 10, 2005 3:48:00 AM Posted by
The whole "bumps" thing isn't that bad!! There isn't really a nice way to describe it, but it isn't bad once yuo get it! :P
Saturday, December 10, 2005 10:46:00 AM Posted by
Good Lord!! How Barbaric! I thot you were such a mellow bunch, too. If i saw somebody do that to you, I'd kick their u-no-what. & pritam, What do you mean it isn't so bad? Arrgh! Can't you guys think of a better way to 'celebrate' a birthday?
I thot only us Americans were capable of that kind of hazing.
Saturday, December 10, 2005 2:03:00 PM Posted by
@mizfit : are u telling me that there is absolutely no making out involved in a cat fight?? :(
@medusa : i don't like being spanked..esp. by about 50 ppl at the same time. :P
@pritam : u are mad. it IS as bad as it sounds.
@l>t : cud u be nearby on my next b'day?? plz pretty plz!!
Saturday, December 10, 2005 8:49:00 PM Posted by
I will if I cud. You come here for your next Birthday, & it will be fun! O.K.? You pay your way here & I will give you a place to stay & feed you. No one will spank you, I promise!!
Monday, December 12, 2005 6:12:00 AM Posted by
We do celebrate birthdays in better ways too!!! The kicking, well, it hurts and all, but it's more like friendly pats on the behind :D
but really, i used to be one of the people who never gave (or took of course :D) bumps before the 4th year. But once I did get kicked, and once I kicked too, and I know it sounds like we're violent maniacs out to kill someone, and that's what I would say too if I was trying to be funny about the whole thing, but we're not! It's just one of the crazy things that we college kids too, and though it seems like we're sadist asses, we aren't :D
And we are a mellow bunch!
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