Comic Book Appreciation Satuday
As most of you would already be knowing by now, I am an avid comic book fan. I read just about anything which starts or ends with 'comic'! At home I have airbags full of American comics ranging from Superman to X-Men to what not. As a child I was hooked to comics for the colourful artwork; these days I'm hooked to the storylines and the wonderful characters which have gradually developed over the years. I also tried to read Indian superhero comics but was always repelled by their unimaginitive stories and single-dimensioned characters.
My favourite is Batman (for the uninitated - he's not exactly a super hero but he does get to run around in a bat costume with people not throwing their daily groceries at him. Thats something!!) but theres someone I love even more than this beloved comic hero - the psychopath killer with a pale face with a wide grin painted on - The Joker! (He is Batman's arch nemesis who is his complete opposite - he's a bad guy, he kills, he smiles!)
Anyway, what follows is a sequence of panels extracted from the comic book - "Batman : Killing Joke", written by the great Alan Moore, which pits the aforementioned rivals against each other (as usual). The extract shows the point of tension when Batman finally confronts The Joker after a gruelling chase. Try to enjoy!!

Long live comic books!
This entry was posted on Friday, February 24, 2006 at 11:40 AM.

hmm reinventing ourselves are we...
Friday, February 24, 2006 1:12:00 PM Posted by
@serendipiduous: i'm confused...are u referring to the post or the new look of my blog?
Saturday, February 25, 2006 9:11:00 PM Posted by
followed a link to ur blog - had a nice laugh on a lazy sunday morning - think will find my way here more often...
Sunday, February 26, 2006 5:57:00 AM Posted by
@a guppie: thanks for the encouraging words. make sure u drop by again. :)
Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:31:00 AM Posted by
Just goes to show; Boys all over the world do not want to grow up!
I also like comix for the art-work. The story lines, thats another thing. I'd much rather read a good book, Do comix still have the yellow pages w/the letters to the Editor? When I was little(before i grew up :o] ) I always thot they were writting to some guy named ED. The letters to ED show you what nerds some comix book readers are
Present comany excluded, of course.
Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:28:00 AM Posted by
@l>t: OMG...even i used to wonder who this ED is and how come he's there in all comics. kids are just stupid i suppose :P :P :P :P
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