The Creativity of the Japanese!!
The Japanese people sure have a queer sense of humour and creativity. From Akira Kurosawa to Mangas to Animes; they've been different and defined a class of their own.
As a tribute to Japanese art, here is a clip which has kept me amused the past couple of days. Its from a serial called Kure Kure Takora (Gimme Gimme Octopus) which was a Japanese children's show in the 1960's.
A little clarification before you watch it - the creature next to the octopus is a peanut!!
A little clarification before you watch it - the creature next to the octopus is a peanut!!

P.S.: On an unrelated note, I've been trying to design a new template for my blog, even though I like the current one. Its just that I get bored very easily. 

P.P.S.: A warm hug to all my blog readers (esp. to all the new ones) and a special welcome to L>T on her return. 

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 1:53 PM.

Hmmm, that was really strange. I sent it to a friend of mine that likes the really bizzare.
How sweet to give me a hug, you grasshopper, you.
Thursday, March 23, 2006 12:05:00 AM Posted by
the octopus is so cute looks like tomato with hair extensions. thanks for the clarification. *hugs u back*
Thursday, March 23, 2006 12:33:00 AM Posted by
Hey this template is really neat. It'll be quite challenging to find/make one as uncluttered and good looking. (waiting to see what you come up with...) :)
Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:28:00 PM Posted by
@l>t: u'r welcome :)
@gutterspace: welcome back :)
@aparna: cho chweet...thanks for the hug. btw, do u have a blog?
@sd: the new template will take time busy till saturday :((
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